添加时间:WARREN BUFFETT:Sure.沃伦•巴菲特:好的。ANDY SERWER:Are you getting frustrated with Wells Fargo?安迪·塞尔沃:你对富国银行感到失望了吗?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I think they‘ve been through a lot ofproblems. But I don’t think that the fundamental franchise and all of that,I‘mfine with that. They-- I forget whether it’s in one out of every threehouseholds in the country,they are the mortgage servicer.That‘s huge. It went throughsomething that various other companies-- GEICO, in the early ’70s, got-- hadits troubles. American Express, in 1964 when we got into it, it had the saladoil scandal, which everybody‘s forgotten about. But it was a terrifying eventthen.
沃伦·巴菲特:没有。(但)已经有人给我展示过了(该如何使用)—ANDY SERWER:Mm-hmm.安迪·塞尔沃:嗯。WARREN BUFFETT:--occasionally. They‘ve-- there’s even someapp with-- with me involved, on this newspaper boy tossing thing. It‘s the appthat-- that I revealed a year ago in the movie that-- I went out to California.And-- and to Tim Cook very patiently spent hours trying to-- trying to move meup to the level the average two-year-old. And I didn’t quite make it. [LAUGHS]But I supposedly developed an app in this little movie we had. And as I walkedout, I turned to Tim and I said, by the way, what is an app? [LAUGHS] We had alot of fun. He is a terrific guy.
记者发现,上述奖项限定是2018年度,而在2018年,鸿茅药业遭遇了一场“跨省抓捕”旋涡。2017年12月,广东医生谭秦东在网上发布文章,对鸿茅药酒的疗效提出质疑。随后,2018年1月10日,内蒙古凉城县公安局跨省对谭秦东实施抓捕,理由是“涉嫌损害商誉”。去年4月事情出现转机,公安部与内蒙古检方接连发声,谭秦东在被关押3个月后, 因事实不清、证据不足,于4月17日办理取保候审手续后离开凉城县看守所。