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安迪·塞尔:好的,那在利率环境下,投资股票有什么变化吗?这使得股票看起来超级便宜。WARREN BUFFETT:No, it reduces the hurdle rate.沃伦·巴菲特:不,它降低了最低预期回报率。WARREN BUFFETT:That‘s why they like to decrease it, is thatit pushes asset values higher. Because, obviously, if you promise to pay mesomething at 3% a year, that would have been a terrible instrument for me toown,almost any time in history. But today, if you’re good for it, it‘sfabulous. [LAUGHS]


安迪·塞尔沃:几个月之后你就要90岁了?WARREN BUFFETT:About five months. Yeah.沃伦·巴菲特:是的,五个月之后。ANDY SERWER:So looking back over these years, what areyou most proud of?

安迪·塞尔沃:他们是示威游行者。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. And during the Vietnam period, I mean,people were just as inflamed, I would say, on both sides. I mean, there were--it was a-- it was-- and it went on a long time. And, you know, caused thepresident not to run again, in the case of Johnson. So this country has been--we had a civil war. I mean, you know, and-- so we‘ve-- we’ve had-- we‘ve alwayshad-- we’re a democracy.

根据犯罪嫌疑人提供的转账账户等线索,警方迅速锁定了团伙的三名成员,2018年8月,曾某荣等三人在广东落网。河南省平舆县公安局刑侦大队民警 余品辉:曾某荣有一定的计算机基础,又在网上看了一些相关的资料,他在网上买一些源代码,把这些网络进行修改,做成网页发给诈骗作案人员。

你要知道,尽管我们帮助了成千上万的学生,盖茨基金会和我支持的其他基金会也做了同样的事情,但不得不说高等教育真的十分昂贵。ANDY SERWER:Is it still worth it?安迪·塞尔沃:现在还值得吗?WARREN BUFFETT:It depends on the individual. It dependson the individual more than the school. I mean, it-- there‘s a lot to learn inthose four years. I mean, there’s a lot you can learn in those four years. Andwhether you do or not depends on-- more on the individual. I don‘t think it-- I don’t think it makes sense for everybody to go to college. You know, and-- and I‘m not so sure it made sense for me to go to college.
